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November 04, 2005
Friday Random Ten...
  1. Oscar Tango - Penguin Cafe Orchestra(Signs of Life)
  2. Ants Marching - Dave Matthews Band(Under the Table and Dreaming)
  3. In the Garage - Weezer (Blue Album)
  4. Killer Lifestyle - Pong (SxSW 2005 Showcase)
  5. Song for the Dumped - Ben Folds Five (Forever and Ever Amen)
  6. Spitting in Italy - SRock Levinson (SxSW 2005 Showcase)
  7. Going Back to Big Mamou - Wayne Toups and Zydecajun (Blast from the Bayou)
  8. Teevee - Rob McColley (Sings Insults to an Ex-Girlfriend)
  9. Sex on the Beaches - Really Interesting Audio Adventures (Sounds for the Sun-Set)
  10. Music in My Room - Cheryl Wheeler (Driving Home)